Gentle Reader...
This is a real hodge podge of photos, largely taken out of the bus window as we were traveling. I love how the many modes of transportation share the road equally, and how these modes are a wonderful illustration of the ancient and the new juxtaposed against one another at every intersection.
Many of these photos show typical housing, and how the housing is changing. The tall apartment buildings are generally clustered and go on for rows and rows and rows.
These photos also capture the intense construction that is occurring in China. We were told that the Chinese construct the equivalent of a Manhattan every single year. They are the leading consumers of cement, as one can witness cement trucks in operation everywhere. China is also the leader in use of cranes for construction. Yes, they are also everywhere.
A carnival in winter....empty and very haunting with the overcast sky.
The crane capitol of the world...
Always small places of beauty to escape to...
More of typical housing...
Ancient and modern sharing the road...
We did see a few churches, one of which had a jhuge banner saying "Jesus loves you."
Much back-breaking physical labor...
A car wash alongside the road...
One of the two buses that we traveled in...
This was the first time we saw an escalator on the outside, for overpass foot traffic. In Guizhou Province, we frequently saw small shops set up on the overpasses, in the underground intersection crosswalks, etc...
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